Hello friends, today we will talk about the bonafide certificate in English and Hindi language. What is a bonafide certificate, why is it needed, how to get a basic residence certificate, where do you read the original residence certificate and how do you write an application to take it. Today we will learn all these things in this article.
What is a Bonafide certificate?
A bonafide certificate is called mool nivaas pramaan part (Bonafide certificate) in Hindi language. A Bonafide certificate is a certificate that certifies that you are a student of the school and the school commands you to go somewhere. Such as: foreign studies, jobs in appearing, training, government work, scholarships, etc.
Go through the complete post to know in details: Application for Bonafide Certificate
Where do you need Bonafide certificate?
- Foreign study
- Job in Appearing
- Training
- official business
- Scholarships, etc.
Why is a Bonafide certificate required?
A Bonafide certificate is a certificate that almost every student needs at least once. This is one such certificate.
- If you study in school and you have to change your school then you need a Bonafide certificate.
- If you want to train in an industry on behalf of your school, then you need a Bonafide certificate.
- If you study in college and your job is done in Appearing then your Bonafide certificate is required.
- If you want to avail any scholarship then you need a Bonafide certificate.
How to get a Bonafide certificate?
If you are studying in school or college, then you will have to go to the examination cell of your school and provide an application, and a photo copy of the school ID card, which does not indicate the need for a Bonafide certificate. Friends, I have written an application to get the original residence letter in this article for the convenience of you. When you submit this article in the examination cell, you should ask them how long you will get the bonafide certificate from them.
How to write an application for a Bonafide certificate?
The principal
[School Name]
[School Small Address + district]
Date: [Date Month Year]
Subject: Bonafide certificate for internship.
Respected Sir/Ma’am,
With due respect, I am [Your name] studying in [Class & Section] of your school. I have been selected for an internship at Indian Oil Corporation. I need a bonafide certificate the school to do an internship there because I would not be able to get an internship without the original residence certificate there.
Therefore, you are requested to give me a bonafide certificate, for which I will be forever grateful to you.
Your Obedient Student
[Your Name]
Roll no: [Your Roll no.]
Class: [Your Class]
Section: [Your Section]
Example: How to write an application for a Bonafide certificate?
The principal
Holy Ganges Public School
Bailey Road, Patna
Date: Date Month Year
Subject: Bonafide certificate for internship.
Respected Sir/Ma’am,
With due respect, I am Sapna Gupta studying in Class-10 ‘B’ of your school. I have been selected for an internship at Indian Oil Corporation. I need a bonafide certificate the school to do an internship there because I would not be able to get an internship without the original residence certificate there.
Therefore, you are requested to give me a bonafide certificate, for which I will be forever grateful to you.
Your Obedient Student
Sapna Gupta
Roll no: ‘22’
Class: ‘10’
Section: ‘B’
Paper: How to write an application for a Bonafide certificate?

Video: Application for Bonafide Certificate
Friends, we hope that this article mentioned by us is what is a Bonafide certificate, where is it required, what is the process to remove it, how to write an application for a Bonafide certificate, friends, if you still have any questionnaire. So you can ask us by commenting below, we will try our best to answer your questions.